During this first module, participants will be exposed to some of the fundamental concepts of online research, investigation, and intelligence.  Topics will emphasize social networking websites, their history and evolution, the creation of mobile device applications, and how people use the Web.  These lessons will also refer to privacy and security, language, technical and software requirements, case law, and the tools we use in our daily work.

During this module, students will be introduced to detailed knowledge about the specific websites that are most commonly used worldwide (i.e., LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok).  This module will also refer to search methods for content on boards and forums (i.e., Reddit), blogs and microblogs, in addition to classified advertisement websites and marketplaces (i.e., Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace).  There will also be discussion of the best people and business search resources, and other useful websites, programs, tools, and apps as used by our team and other industry professionals.

In this third and final module of this program, students will learn how to bring together the knowledge obtained from the previous two lessons.  Students will learn how to use the websites, knowledge, tools, and techniques that were introduced and demonstrated in this program, in order to develop a highly effective search process.  The content covered in this module can be applied to civil, corporate, and criminal investigation processes.

The information presented in this module is based on an accumulation of knowledge, training, experience, and research supported by collaborations with numerous experts in the field of online research, investigation, and analysis.  As a result, it draws from and incorporates industry standards, best practices, and methodology guidelines recognized by practitioners in various fields, including the military and law enforcement, information technology, academia, regulatory compliance, and corporate investigation.